+39 049 8015744 info@idrocalor.com

Over 100 years of history

In 1907 Amedeo Tormene entered Padua entrepreneurship by creating a laboratory for the construction of precision models for foundries.

In 1930 Tristano, with his brothers, expanded the family business by creating their own foundry and a mechanical workshop for the production of special steel castings (pressure reducers, valves, etc.) and burners for rotary ovens for cooking the cement.

At the end of the Seventies, Carlo Tormene, further developing his father Tristano’s business, specialized in the production of gas burners and industrial ovens for various applications.

Thus was born the Idrocalor company, now led by his son Alberto.

The over 1.000 systems installed by the company in Italy and abroad prove the quality and reliability of our products.

Progetto finanziaro con POR FESR 2014 – 2020 Regione del Veneto
Impianti Cogenerativi
Asse 1 Ricerca, sviluppo tecnologico e innovazione Azione 1.1.1 Bando per il sostegno a progetti che prevedono l’impiego di ricercatori.
Descrizione progetto